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You're Never Too Young For Disney!


Kids are never too young to visit Disney, though some people think of their own childhoods and how far back they can remember things they did as a child. They automatically think that if they're not able to remember things from when they were 2, 3, or 4 years old, then likely their children won't remember and so why spend the money? 

It's really not about whether or not they have the attention span to enjoy a full day at Disney or whether or not they'll remember the time you spent there, but rather, it's about YOU and your ability to adjust your focus for the day and navigate at a slower pace for all involved. 

We forget sometimes that Children need down time among the hustle and bustle of all these colorful stimulation. When it comes to the younger ones, it may be better to plan 3 days at the Magic Kingdom, rather than one day at 3 different parks. This will help to alleviate the stress of fitting everything in and hoping you and they will enjoy it!

There's no secret that Disney does take some planning in order to meet budgetary needs especially if you have a large family. If you don't live close by, and this feels like it may be a once in a lifetime trip that you may not get to experience again, then it may make sense to hold off until they're a little older. But if you feel that Disney is going to be a part of your family vacations for years to come, there is no starting them too early!

Those younger years become a lot more about Mom and Dad or Grandma & Grandpa or Aunts and Uncles getting to treat their loved ones with these magical adventures. It isn't so much about them absorbing each and every part of the trip, as it is for you to create memories of the smiles they'll share, those "kids say the darndest things" statements.

My granddaughter rode the stitch ride at Magic Kingdom one year, she was 5 years old. I thought she'd love it but the fog machine and water drops were more than she expected and she literally screamed to get off the ride the entire time. Here I was, "Grandma of the Year" saying "aweee, look! Isn't he so cute" "Oh Hi! Stitch!" as the lazer lights bolted from each side of the room and steamed poured out from above Stitches Head with his great big pink tongue sticking out".  As the ride ended, my granddaughter couldn't escape out of that ride fast enough, as she exclaimed. "I DIDN'T LIKE IT AND NOW I'M GOING TO HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE!"  LOL. Those memories are mine to hold (well, ok, maybe hers too because she reminds me how she hated it to this day even as she turned 12 this year). But point being. I smile every time I think of that moment we shared.

Being able to make it worth taking the little ones, is dependent upon your patience. You're ability to shift your expectations, and just "go with the flow". The more you can adapt and know you might not squeeze everything in that you had hoped today. Or that the ride you thought they loved, they were afraid of, can be coupled with the fact you thought they'd never get on that roller coaster but they did and loved it! 

Keep your expectations about just creating memories no matter what those look like and you'll find that they're never too young to go to disney! 

Who wouldn't want to take a relaxing nap in the Magical World of Disney?




Some quiet spots are located near the Christmas Shoppe, the entrance to Adventureland as you pass the Crystal Palace. There's lots of shade in this section of Magic Kingdom. The parade route and meet n' greets do happen in this area as well, so if you want them to actually nap, just consider what those schedules look like for the day.



A relaxing park favorite, this little island has several things for older ones to explore with another adult while the younger ones get to take a little snooze. There are plenty of quiet areas to park with a stroller or lay out a blanket in the shade. Though there's not really places to get snacks in Tom Sawyer Island, there are bathrooms located in this area.



Does your little one need some white noise to drown out the magic happening all around them? Then Tomorrowland may be the perfect place. This is home to the Indy Speedway will create that zooming rhythm of sound for them to doze off to. The Tomorrowland People Mover or Carousel of Progress will be a slower paced ride that will allow your little one time to just relax and slow down a little preparing them for that down time when your done. Bathrooms and Snacks are available in this section of Magic Kingdom


Smack Dab in the middle of the Magic Kingdom is a little spot called HUB GRASS. It's perfect for a Disney nap with Disney ducks all around. 


Sitting towards the back of the theater for this event will be a little quieter. It's air-conditioned and maybe the perfect calm to get your little one in a state of relaxation to fall asleep


This perfectly designated rest stop is located near Main Street USA and the Crystal Palace. There are rocking chairs, changing tables, and sofas to give little ones a place to wind down. The only downfall is it can be pretty busy at various time of day and you won't be able to bring your stroller inside. This is airconditioned and a great place to help your little ones take a mid-day break.



If your little one needs movement to fall asleep, the monorail can be a nice airconditioned ride.  You can ride over to Epcot and back or over to one of the resorts. 


Disney Polynesian Village Resort, The Disney Yacht & Beach Club or the Disney Swan or Disney Dolphin Resorts have white sandy beaches you're welcome to enjoy. You'll discover some even have swinging benches and beach chairs for your restful enjoyment. Take the Monorail over; In fact, some may even be within walking distance.


Sometimes napping at the house of mouse is just too over-stimulating. Returning to your hotel after lunch for a two-hour nap and then coming back to the park for the rest of the day by dinner nice and refreshed can be one of the best choices you've made on your trip. It seems like extra work to pack up get to the car and then do it all again in a few hours, but trust me, it will likely be less stressful than catering to the ebb and tide of energy your little ones go through the rest of the day from having their routine disrupted.

Each Park Has comfortable, shady, or air-conditioned activities and attractions that are slower paced and comfortable for getting little ones settled down for a mid day rest so you can enjoy this very magical experience! 



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